søndag den 25. september 2011

Age of darkness versus age of lightness

"The age of darkness and ignorance is soon to be over!
The age of lightness and awareness is about to start!

The light wants to re enter your body and mind
Open up for this wonderful light
The light will enter your heart and make it big, bold and beautiful
Dare to expand your heart
Don’t be afraid dear child
The light surrounds you and protects you, like a big soft and nice bubble

You are ready to start the opening of your heart
If you want to do it slowly – then do it slowly
It doesn't matter how it happens
But know that it will happen!
The true love is on its way back to the world and it needs surrendering
Know that your true spirit is indeed;
So wise
So lovable
So centered
So calm
So open

Just now  in this moment – feel your true nature!

And -

You are not the mind
You are not the body
You are not the thoughts

You are pure love in its purest form
You are divine
You are love
You are loved - always
You are beyond this world and mind
You are

So today: Surrender, Trust and Accept
Let the light start its work!

Be in peace ALWAYS
Om shantih shantih shantih"

The Brotherhood
(channeled message/kanaliseret besked)

© Isabella Vinther


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