mandag den 19. december 2011

Love your temple - also known as the body

"Always focus on your inner beauty and happiness. Your body is fine and healthy.
Love and accept it for what it does daily for you.
It is indeed your temple!
This beautiful and perfectly working body has been with you for all these years in this life.
It has been a nice temple for you, but you were often an awfull devotee.
You complained instead of thanking it for its hospitality.
Start by apologising to it and practice body awareness every day.
Just feel how lovely it really feels to be inside of this body.
What is the problem? Really there is no problem!
Only your surroundings and the society told you that it’s a problem to look or to be different, to be a big or small size, to have wrinkles, to have big ears or nose and you trusted them 100%!
Just feel your beautiful body now!
Let go af the past and feel it now!
It is a lovely and sweet body.
This body is a special one.
It listens to everything that you tell it, it trusts(both good & bad) what you tell it and it will change according to what you tell it.
Your body is ever forgiving and it forgives you. It will do everything for you.
It is honored to host you.
We recommend that you daily tell your body, that you love and appreciate its work for you.
It is here so that you can fulfill your mission in life.
It knows  that your mission is important, so it will stay healthy and strong for you, if you allow it to do so.
So please - thank your body every day.
Never abuse it – it doesn’t deserve that.
It deserves your love and only love!
Your love is big and you can easily give some to your body.

Be blessed, aware and happy always!"
The Brotherhood
(Channeled message/kanaliseret besked)

©Isabella Vinther

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