lørdag den 16. marts 2013

What is meant to be will be

"I am loving what is and what is meant to be will be. As I enjoy this very moment and focus upon it with all my love, everything I ever wanted is right here - right now".
What is meant to be will be. Do not try to force anything to happen because it will happen if it was meant to be -  and this is the truth. Being present in this very moment and loving this moment just the way it is. You can't change it, you can't fold it, it is just the way it is - therefore remember to love and feel grateful just now. The more you can surrender to what is, the more peace, trust, truth and empowerment you will gain. The more you surrender to what is, the more  you surrender to 'what is meant to be will be', the more you can rest completely within this body. All doubts will disappear because doubt is only about the future - you can not doubt if you are truly present in this very moment. Please stop with trying to change what is, because it will  only give you more confusion, more doubts. If you lean back and accept and love what is, you will feel so peaceful  - sooo peaceful. Everything you need will come to you in the right moment so get rid of your doubts - ask us to remove your doubts. Have trust in that you will get everything you need at the moment you need it. You will not get it before and you will not get it after, but you will get it at the moment you need it. If you doubt then your doubt can delay. The more you have trust the more the universe can deliever what you need at this very moment. Just start to love, appreciate and feel grateful for this very moment. Love what is right now. As you do this every day the doubt will slowly slowly leave you and you will gain trust and you will gain balance. Balance within mind, soul and body. You have to become aware - aware of your thoughts, aware of this very moment. We know that you have heard all of this before, but it is a very important lesson in life - maybe the most important one of all. You can only live in this very moment. This very moment is all you got so embrace it and love it just the way it is. Please do not try to fold or change it. By loving it just the way it is, the future will be just like you want it to be. Everything will happen in order to give you a peaceful and balanced life. This is all the universe wants and this is all God wants for you. God wants that you have a peaceful and harmonious life. God wants you to let go of all fears and doubts, let go of blame, forgive yourself and others, let go and be present - be present in this very moment and let go of everything else. What is meant to be will be. We bless you all, we love you dearly, we respect you and we honor you. Be truth - the truth is you, you are the truth and you and the truth are one. Out of you the truth shall come and out of this truth you shall appear. Come forward dear child, come forward and be in the world as you were meant to be. Use this world as it was meant to be used. We are so very grateful that you want to listen to us, we hope that you will take our words sincerly and we hope that you can feel the healing vibration and energy behind the words. Calm yourself daily, center yourself daily, surrender to what is, love what is, feel and know that you are the universe and the universe is you - there are no difference. Know that all doubt comes from the mind and the mind is not you - it's not who you really are. You are so much more and you are so much bigger than the body. You are not a limitted being you are an unlimited being. You can fold everything and you can have everything - but always remember to use it for the higher good of all, because you are all connected you are all one. This is enough for now.
Be in peace always

Channeled message
©Isabella Vinther


mandag den 4. marts 2013

'Year Of The Heart part 2'

Here is part 2 of the channeling called 'Year Of the Heart' from dec 2012.
This video includes questions and answers and can be used as a meditation. 
Namaste and enjoy :-)

© Isabella Vinther