onsdag den 30. december 2015

Year 2016 - Year of the light

Dearest friends 
The year of 2016 will be completely different in energy than the previous year. The divine light that has been slowly entering the planet over the last 6 years, will now be a lot more visible. In 2016 many things will finally be solved - both within humans and also in a more global sense. The light is penetrating the dark and the darkness can no longer hide! It is time for a major healing and a shift or you may say lift in the human consciousness. Many People are already feeling this and it will only increase in speed in 2016. The light that is entering the planet earth will penetrate everything and nothing can hide from this light. The light is a very high vibrational energy that’s here to help the planet and its inhabitants to raise their consciousness to a new, wiser and purer level. All the Archangels, lightbeings and ascended masters are working together to bring this light to the earth, and therefore many people will experience a closer connection to these divine entities. The beginning of the year will be intense as the energy will come will full speed. This light will illuminate everything that needs to be healed and released, both in society and within people. When we reach spring the energy will start to settle more and slowly find its place, and a sense of calm and peace will be fulfilled. This is all for now and we will return with more details as the year progresses. The reason why we are not telling more about 2016 is that not everything is predictable - it all depends in how people will use this energy and shift of consciousness. The energy is a help,  but how the help will be used can not be controlled as there is always the free will present. Our advice for you in this coming year is to be present and notice all the help that’s here for you. The light will be very close to you as a source that you can use to your higher purpose. Use it as much as possible and use it wisely. There are more angels surrounding the earth in this period than you could ever imagine, and their purpose is to assist you and the earth in becoming more loving, enlightened and aware. You only have to call upon them and they will come very close to assist you in your higher purpose here on earth. Every time you call upon the angels and ascended masters you will bring the light even closer to you, and your mind will attune to this angelic vibration. 

We wish you only peace, joy, love and happiness.

lørdag den 5. september 2015

Kanalisering lavet d.21.07.2015 - Kanaliseringen kom ned på engelsk, men jeg har også oversat den til dansk for dem der ikke forstår engelsk <3 

"Love is the all penetrating energy that the whole Universe consists of. The one and only meaning with everything. Love is a VERY powerful life force and energy and when the ego experiences true love it will often get scared as it will loose itself when diving deep into this ocean of love. Love is not a matter of giving and receiving but is only about sharing and joining. Love means to join. To join/reconnect to the place that you originate from. In this earthly plane everyone craves after the love and this is because in a sense everyone has lost the true connection to love. The mind/ego has made up stories about what love is and it’s often very far from the truth. The ego wants love to be something conditional and if there is something that love isn’t then it’s conditional. Love is and will always be unconditional because it’s a state of being. It’s not something you receive it’s something that you are. When you are love then nothing is missed and you have everything you want. And people may ask how they can reach that place and we will say: you are already love in its purest form but your mind/ego has clouded the truth. So the thing that one must do is to clean these clouds and reconnect to ones higher self. How to clean the clouds? Well for some there are many layers of clouds and it seem never ending but we say; keep going! The clouds will dissolve through meditation. But this is not meditation where you escape to a higher place - no it’s a meditation on yourself in this earthly life. Do not escape what is right here but face it and look at it. The more you look at it the more it will dissolve."
The Brotherhood


Kærlighed er den alt gennemtrængende energi som hele Universet består af. Den eneste mening med alt. Kærlighed er en meget kraftfuld livskraft og energi og når egoet oplever sand kærlighed vil det ofte blive bange fordi det vil miste sig selv når det dykker dybt ned i kærlighedens ocean. Kærlighed handler ikke om at give og modtage, men handler om at dele og forene. Kærlighed betyder at forene. At forene sig med det sted som du oprinder fra. På dette jordiske plan hungrer alle efter kærlighed og dette er fordi at alle på en måde har tabt den ægte forbindelse til kærlighed. Egoet har opdigtet historier om hvad kærlighed er og dette er ofte langt fra sandheden. Egoet vil gerne have at kærlighed skal være betinget og hvis der er noget kærlighed ikke er så er det betinget. Kærlighed er og vil altid være ubetinget fordi det er en tilstand af væren. Det er ikke noget du modtager, men noget du er. Når du er kærlighed så er der ikke noget som savnes og du vil have alting du ønsker dig. Og folk vil måske spørge hvordan de dog kan opnå den tilstand og vi vil svare: Du er allerede kærlighed i den reneste form, men dit ego har skygget for sandheden. Så det man skal gøre er at rense disse skyer væk og reconnecte(genforbinde sig) med sit højere selv. Hvordan renser man de skyer væk? For mange er der mange lag af skyer og det kan føles uendeligt, men vi siger; Bliv ved! Skyerne vil forsvinde igennem meditation. Men dette er ikke en meditation hvor du flygter væk til de højere lag - nej det er en meditation på dig selv i dette jordiske liv. Flygt ikke fra det som er lige her, men se det i øjnene og kig på det. Jo mere du kigger på det jo mere vi det forsvinde.

torsdag den 2. januar 2014

2014 - Integrating the devine in the fysical bodies.

The year 2014 will be all about manifesting the divine in the fysical world. The divine energy will be available for more and more people, and many people will have divine experiences. More people will dare to tell about their divine experiences and meetings. It will be easier for many of you to see us and to connect with higher divine beings. More and more will have encounters and meetings with angels, ascended masters and lightbeings. More and more people will realize that they are lightworkers, and that they are here on this planet to help lift the energy and vibration to a higher level. This year will be all about seriousness - being serious with the spiritual. Many people have had the spiritual as a hobby for many years, but this year many will realize that it's really serious and this is really what it's all about - the reason why you all are here. It's not just a hobby it is where you all came from - the source. What you have all seen and read in books is just some percentage of who you really are and your connection to the divine. More and more people will channel divine messages, more and more people will realize their own divine nature and start living and talking from that place inside of them. More and more people will get more control over the mind and the collective mind, and they will again get contact to their soul and from that place they will enter the world. 2014 will be about sharing from the heart and letting the light run through the heart, it will be more about unconditional love and this energy will manifest more and more. The unconditional love will be more grounded on this planet earth. It will no longer be a thing you talk about but it will be a thing that many people will realize and they will know that this it their true nature.
It can be a rough year for some people as they will feel divided. What they thought and believed in will not be true to them anymore because the higher conciousness will start to run through them and they will see and know answers that they haven't seen before. The Christ conciousness will come more out in the open, and more people will accept and know the real truth about Christ, his true nature and his life here on this planet. This book you call the bible has only some percentage of the truth about this man and the energy he brought to the earth. But many of you will also realise that it's also possible for you to reach that level of consciousness, as this was not only meant for one man. This gift is meant for everyone who searches it - everyone who wishes to be one with Divine/with God has the possibility - it's possible for everyone to reach a state of higher divine consciousness. This is your right as spiritual beings! But as long as you identify yourself with this fysical body and the ego it will not be possible. The energy that will come in 2014 will make it possible for many people to reach a higher state of consciousness, as the energy will open a new place in their brain in which the spiritual energy will run through and many will realize their true nature. Everyone has the possibility to be a Christ, a Buddha or another enlightened being. This is not only meant for the chosen ones, but it needs work and devotion and it's not everyone that will reach this stage in  this life. Everyone has the right to be one with the divine energy, as the divine energy is already within you all, but it's hidden very well for some of you. It's hidden under the ego and the mind in the fysical body. When we say the word Christ consciousness its just a word, a phrase we are using. It's not meant for you to imagine  this man and imagine that the energy is only coming from him, but it's meant for you to understand that the energy this man channeled, this energy is coming back to the world in a new fine tuned version and it's coming with full speed. The ascended master Christ is here for everyone and it's possible to talk to him as he wants to help  all of you and to reach that place.
It's time to get serious this year and it's time to step out of the playground. The spiritual is no longer a thing that you play with as a hobby or read about. It's now time to experience it, to channel it, to be it, and to live your life from that place. This is what is meant to be for this planet earth and its inhabitants. It will take some time and it will not happen for everyone in 2014, but it will start and it will be a period over the next 10 years where the energy will integrate on this planet. Many of you came here to this earth as lightbearers, lightworkers, human angels or what you want to call it. You came here to help manifest this energy that has been growing over the last couple of years. It's important that you wake up. It will feel a calling deep from within the heart, a feeling that you have to be in a special place but you don't know where it is, a longing - a deep longing and a wish for helping others. If you are feeling or having experiences like that, you are definently a lightworker and then it's important that you wake up in the year 2014 - take your responsibility, remember your mission and why you came.
The beauty is unfolding, there is so much beauty inside all of you. You can have such beautiful lives here on this planet earth and you can share the love and the beauty with each other. But an awakening is neccesary, wake up from the dream, wake up from the illusion. The real beauty lies within the heart, the heart has all the answers. The answers are simple and  loving and they hold the truth - the truth of your higher being and who you really are. Be careful with following other peoples truth. You all have the truth inside of you. When someone claim they know the only truth, it's very often coming from the mind and that is a lower energy. It is very rare that people who claim they know the only truth that they actually know and have experienced the higher truth. A true teacher is often silence of his or hers knowing and they will challenge you to find your own truth. He or she will help you find your own truth, and they will always convince you to listen to your heart. If you blindly follow others then you will be like a machine and you will not connect to your own divine higher self. The higher truth is the same and coming from the same divine place, but it's important that you find it inside of yourself and experience it within.
Many will wake up this year 2014 - wake up from a deep deep sleep. We are all working on waking you humans at this point, but it's not all of you who can hear us. We are just standing next to you and we are very patient and we will be there when you are ready. It's not all of you who are ready, but know that we will be there when you will be ready and when you will need us. Have focus upon being grounded in 2014. Ground yourself daily. Prepare for a blessed journey. You are all safe. You are all blessed. Surrender and let go. Let go and let Gods divine energy run and shine through you. We guarantee that it will be a macnificent experience for you. We bless you all. Blessed it be.
Be in peace always.

The Brotherhood - Channeled message.
© Isabella Vinther


lørdag den 22. juni 2013

The power of letting go

When you let go of some old resentment and do not keep it in your body anymore - your body will be more light, more bright, more healthy and full of energy. If you keep on storing up all bad experiences inside the body it will be full after a while and you will fx feel; tired or some disease may appear. The inner cleaning of the body is as important as the outer cleaning. As you take a shower, clean your body and put on clean clothes the same way you should clean the inside of the body. Ask yourself why it is that you don't feel that a clean inside has the same importance as a clean outside?
"How can I clean the inside?" you may ask.
The cleaning of the inside consists of daily meditation and letting go. If you have any resentment against anyone then try to let it go, forgive them and also forgive yourself. The process of forgiving is easy - it's easy for your soul, but be aware that your ego might resist a lot. We tell you that it's not good for you to hold on to any resentment - it's not healthy for your body and it will collect inside of your body and it can manifest as disease, depression, tiredness or lack of energy.
If you want to forgive another person you can imagine this person within a bright light - imagine the person receiving a big pillar of white light and that it's surrounding the persons body. Imagine that you can see this persons soul - not the personality or ego but you can see the soul. See that the soul is coming forward in this person and making him/her smile and look soft and gentle. This is actually the only thing you have to do, and after completely let go of the person and/or situation. Forgiving is actually about letting go and it's a process that you mainly do for your own good. If you do not let go of old anger and resentment then it's storing up inside your body. As you wash your outside body from dirt the same way you should clean the inside of the body from "dirt". This bad energy that you may have stored inside can affect all the inner organs and the life flow. The process of forgiving and letting go should be done every day(also let go/forgive the little things) - so that you do not store any negative energy within your beautiful temple(body).

Be in peace always!

Channeled message
© Isabella Vinther


onsdag den 19. juni 2013

Gratis Healing

I Januar 2013 fik jeg under en meditation besked på, at jeg sammen med mine åndelige vejledere indimellem skulle tilbyde gratis gruppe fjernhealing. 

Jeg poster altid dato og tidspunkt på min Facebook side inden healingen. Dag og tidspunkt varierer fra gang til gang og selve healingen varer altid ca 15 min. Der er ofte et kanaliseret budskab, som jeg deler på Facebook umiddelbart efter healingen. Tilmeld dig fra gang til gang ved at skrive 'Ja tak' i kommentar feltet på Facebook når jeg har offenliggjort den nye dato via et opslag. Det er ikke nødvendigt at skrive hvad man ønsker healing for. Healings energien er en intelligent kraft, som altid ved hvor den skal arbejde henne i din krop, sind og sjæl. Det er ikke tilladt at skrive andres navne på uden deres tilladelse.

Gør dig klar 5-10 minutter før healingen starter. 

Sæt eller læg dig uforstyrret, evt med lidt afspændingsmusik og 
sluk mobilen og/eller hiv tlf stikket ud. 

Luk øjnene, tag 5-10 dybe ind/udåndinger, slap af og tag imod.

Når healingen er forbi siger du tak til universet på din egen måde.

Drik rigeligt med vand efter healingen.

Ja energien kommer ud til alle. På det åndelige plan betyder afstand intet. Så længe du har et ønske om at modtage healingen og er modtagelig(dvs ligger/sidder i stilhed) når healingen er i gang, vil du få lige præcis det du har brug for. Nogle vil mærke healingen meget kraftigt og andre lidt blidere - det kommer an på hvad du har brug for den pågældende dag. Nogle gange vil du erfare at healingen arbejder videre på dig et par timer og nogle gange op til dage efter og dette er helt normalt.

lørdag den 16. marts 2013

What is meant to be will be

"I am loving what is and what is meant to be will be. As I enjoy this very moment and focus upon it with all my love, everything I ever wanted is right here - right now".
What is meant to be will be. Do not try to force anything to happen because it will happen if it was meant to be -  and this is the truth. Being present in this very moment and loving this moment just the way it is. You can't change it, you can't fold it, it is just the way it is - therefore remember to love and feel grateful just now. The more you can surrender to what is, the more peace, trust, truth and empowerment you will gain. The more you surrender to what is, the more  you surrender to 'what is meant to be will be', the more you can rest completely within this body. All doubts will disappear because doubt is only about the future - you can not doubt if you are truly present in this very moment. Please stop with trying to change what is, because it will  only give you more confusion, more doubts. If you lean back and accept and love what is, you will feel so peaceful  - sooo peaceful. Everything you need will come to you in the right moment so get rid of your doubts - ask us to remove your doubts. Have trust in that you will get everything you need at the moment you need it. You will not get it before and you will not get it after, but you will get it at the moment you need it. If you doubt then your doubt can delay. The more you have trust the more the universe can deliever what you need at this very moment. Just start to love, appreciate and feel grateful for this very moment. Love what is right now. As you do this every day the doubt will slowly slowly leave you and you will gain trust and you will gain balance. Balance within mind, soul and body. You have to become aware - aware of your thoughts, aware of this very moment. We know that you have heard all of this before, but it is a very important lesson in life - maybe the most important one of all. You can only live in this very moment. This very moment is all you got so embrace it and love it just the way it is. Please do not try to fold or change it. By loving it just the way it is, the future will be just like you want it to be. Everything will happen in order to give you a peaceful and balanced life. This is all the universe wants and this is all God wants for you. God wants that you have a peaceful and harmonious life. God wants you to let go of all fears and doubts, let go of blame, forgive yourself and others, let go and be present - be present in this very moment and let go of everything else. What is meant to be will be. We bless you all, we love you dearly, we respect you and we honor you. Be truth - the truth is you, you are the truth and you and the truth are one. Out of you the truth shall come and out of this truth you shall appear. Come forward dear child, come forward and be in the world as you were meant to be. Use this world as it was meant to be used. We are so very grateful that you want to listen to us, we hope that you will take our words sincerly and we hope that you can feel the healing vibration and energy behind the words. Calm yourself daily, center yourself daily, surrender to what is, love what is, feel and know that you are the universe and the universe is you - there are no difference. Know that all doubt comes from the mind and the mind is not you - it's not who you really are. You are so much more and you are so much bigger than the body. You are not a limitted being you are an unlimited being. You can fold everything and you can have everything - but always remember to use it for the higher good of all, because you are all connected you are all one. This is enough for now.
Be in peace always

Channeled message
©Isabella Vinther


mandag den 4. marts 2013

'Year Of The Heart part 2'

Here is part 2 of the channeling called 'Year Of the Heart' from dec 2012.
This video includes questions and answers and can be used as a meditation. 
Namaste and enjoy :-)

© Isabella Vinther