lørdag den 22. juni 2013

The power of letting go

When you let go of some old resentment and do not keep it in your body anymore - your body will be more light, more bright, more healthy and full of energy. If you keep on storing up all bad experiences inside the body it will be full after a while and you will fx feel; tired or some disease may appear. The inner cleaning of the body is as important as the outer cleaning. As you take a shower, clean your body and put on clean clothes the same way you should clean the inside of the body. Ask yourself why it is that you don't feel that a clean inside has the same importance as a clean outside?
"How can I clean the inside?" you may ask.
The cleaning of the inside consists of daily meditation and letting go. If you have any resentment against anyone then try to let it go, forgive them and also forgive yourself. The process of forgiving is easy - it's easy for your soul, but be aware that your ego might resist a lot. We tell you that it's not good for you to hold on to any resentment - it's not healthy for your body and it will collect inside of your body and it can manifest as disease, depression, tiredness or lack of energy.
If you want to forgive another person you can imagine this person within a bright light - imagine the person receiving a big pillar of white light and that it's surrounding the persons body. Imagine that you can see this persons soul - not the personality or ego but you can see the soul. See that the soul is coming forward in this person and making him/her smile and look soft and gentle. This is actually the only thing you have to do, and after completely let go of the person and/or situation. Forgiving is actually about letting go and it's a process that you mainly do for your own good. If you do not let go of old anger and resentment then it's storing up inside your body. As you wash your outside body from dirt the same way you should clean the inside of the body from "dirt". This bad energy that you may have stored inside can affect all the inner organs and the life flow. The process of forgiving and letting go should be done every day(also let go/forgive the little things) - so that you do not store any negative energy within your beautiful temple(body).

Be in peace always!

Channeled message
© Isabella Vinther


onsdag den 19. juni 2013

Gratis Healing

I Januar 2013 fik jeg under en meditation besked på, at jeg sammen med mine åndelige vejledere indimellem skulle tilbyde gratis gruppe fjernhealing. 

Jeg poster altid dato og tidspunkt på min Facebook side inden healingen. Dag og tidspunkt varierer fra gang til gang og selve healingen varer altid ca 15 min. Der er ofte et kanaliseret budskab, som jeg deler på Facebook umiddelbart efter healingen. Tilmeld dig fra gang til gang ved at skrive 'Ja tak' i kommentar feltet på Facebook når jeg har offenliggjort den nye dato via et opslag. Det er ikke nødvendigt at skrive hvad man ønsker healing for. Healings energien er en intelligent kraft, som altid ved hvor den skal arbejde henne i din krop, sind og sjæl. Det er ikke tilladt at skrive andres navne på uden deres tilladelse.

Gør dig klar 5-10 minutter før healingen starter. 

Sæt eller læg dig uforstyrret, evt med lidt afspændingsmusik og 
sluk mobilen og/eller hiv tlf stikket ud. 

Luk øjnene, tag 5-10 dybe ind/udåndinger, slap af og tag imod.

Når healingen er forbi siger du tak til universet på din egen måde.

Drik rigeligt med vand efter healingen.

Ja energien kommer ud til alle. På det åndelige plan betyder afstand intet. Så længe du har et ønske om at modtage healingen og er modtagelig(dvs ligger/sidder i stilhed) når healingen er i gang, vil du få lige præcis det du har brug for. Nogle vil mærke healingen meget kraftigt og andre lidt blidere - det kommer an på hvad du har brug for den pågældende dag. Nogle gange vil du erfare at healingen arbejder videre på dig et par timer og nogle gange op til dage efter og dette er helt normalt.